5th Edition – A War in Scarlet: Chapter 13

The Heroes of Awesome are finally converting to the 5th Edition rules, but not before Taruil gets some bad news.

There are a lot of changes to how Dungeons and Dragons plays with the release of the 5th Edition rules and so far we’ve liked every single one of them. One of the best things about the rules is how it really rewards great role-playing and not just great dice rolling. Considering how much fun we like to have at the table, we’re really excited about how this will work out.

Most of the characters had relatively minor adjustments to who they are as characters, but Taruil the Bladesinger had to take a huge change. The biggest change is that there are no more Bladesingers in the 5th Edition rules. There’s the option of having a Fighter dual class as a Wizard, but in the end the decision was made to just be a straight-up Wizard, and it’s so fun.

Have  you had to convert characters before. What did you think of the process? How do you like 5th Edition?

This post originally appeared at TheWeirdlings.com, producers of all of The Heroes of Awesome