Star Trek Adventures Ship Breaches Reference

The player references I published a few weeks ago have helped us a lot in our game-play. But there’s another part of STA that I often need help with: ship damage.

Damage happens in ship combat by breaches affecting different parts of the ship and eventually crippling it. Keeping track of when damage occurs to a system and what the effect is can be a little daunting. So I made sheets to help keep track of all of it.

Give us the sheets!

Each row is the affected system and what a d20 roll would be to affect each system. Whenever there’s a breach, mark the farthest open box to the left. That will tell you what effect you should use for that breach.

As always, I recommend you laminate these and use either dry erase markers or grease pencils. It makes it so much easier to keep track of things and then re-use them for future encounters.

Ships of different scale take damage at different rates, so it’s a little tougher than just making one sheet that works for every situation. So I made a sheet for each scale ship. If you have a flotilla of ships in combat, you might want to have a few of these.

I hope these help you in your adventures> I’d love to hear any feedback you may have as well.